The End & The Beginning
9 Slides
Referencing movie captions, costume-design story boards, environmental stills from film, and with the help of my five-year-old neighbor I used to babysit; this project is the residue of grappling with creating a convincing narrative setting.

Here lie the environments, artifacts, and history for you to consume, like a chicken wing in stomach acid.
Mise en Scène
8 Slides
/ˌmēz ˌän ˈsen/ noun

1. the arrangement of scenery and
stage properties in a play.

Mis en scène is a series of large-scale paintings that investigates the ways narrative settings can be created with the absence of a main character. What can we know about a story by observing the environment of a character?
Workers Comp 2020
Drawing + Flyer Design
12 Slides
A project that was born out of an exercise of responsive drawings between Jarin Moriguchi and Nathan Sarsona. These drawings were done together, one after another, alternated between who would draw first and who would respond with a drawing of their own. The imagery was made up of simple, monochromatic lines. Sarsona and Moriguchi became interested in the perceived naivety of the line drawings and challenged themselves to convey as much expression as they could within the parameters of these “bad drawings.”

This led them to think about the institutionalized perception of good and bad art, a notion that has been widely investigated from the earliest moments of Dadaism to the present day. Worker’s Comp is the result of their collaborative deconstruction of satire, immaturity, the mundane, and the commodity of art through investigation of material and draftsmanship.